WICHITALK'S WEB DIRECTORY: a WIP collection of pages I like. Listen, I love a wall of buttons just as much as the next guy, but I wanted to make my directory a little more specific. jumping around neocities should be encouraged. if you want something changed, shoot me a message!

site description page of note
a internet diary with a simple style and lots to say diary
a haunted house with art inside illustrations
a labatory with draws to dig through history of science
the home of a short-tailed weasel photos
creative coding + HAUNTED On Whimsey
like if the 90's were actually cool the olliveen post
world's coolest digial scrapbook Fairygore public library
internetbasedghosts massive spooky archive depths of the net
vintage photography gameboy photography
suboptimalism internet investigator What happened to yesterweb?
a personal website with a riotgrrl look MCR Shrine
a digital diary hidden inside a virtual machine lit links